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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A Minnesota Magical Moment - Sub-Arctic Phenomenon

We woke up yesterday to -38 degrees F. here in central Minnesota. The schools were closed, the cars and buses wouldn't start and it was a federal holiday besides. What to do? Fun with sub-arctic magic, that's what!

Here's the effect: Go outdoors anywhere it's 30 degrees below zero or more. Hand a spectator a steaming hot cup of water, coffee or tea and tell him that you want him to throw it on you from 20 feet away. Advise the audience that this could be extremely dangerous: you could be scalded badly by the hot liquid or, worse yet, soaking wet at 38 degrees below zero which could be fatal.

Walk 20 feet away and yell: "Soak me!" (You can shout a magic word here if you like.) What happens to the liquid is truly amazing and quite spectacular as well. Needless to say, not a drop reaches you; the water dissipates into vapor immediately leaving a magical cloud in the air (and perhaps a sprinkling of freeze-dried coffee powder!)

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